Monday, November 17, 2008


just back from Kozhikode after writing the CAT exam, the most selective exam in the whole wide world.

it was an OK exam. i say that despite the fact that no exam is ever "OK". the entire experience lasted all of 35 hours. up, down (on the map) and all the way back home.

if you are looking for a description of the two and a half hour ordeal in the exam hall, you're at the wrong place. on the other hand, if you are interested in an examinee's take on everything kozhikod'ian (if there is a usage) over the last day then read on mates (make sure to use an aussie accent with the 'mates'.. prevents the gay-ness)


kozhikode is one of the cheapest cities i have been to! now i can't compare it to far flung cities like calcutta or bangkok, not becasue i don't know them, but because of the suddenness of the change. its just a 4 hour train ride from cochin city - which is in a way comparable in cost of living to places which are far flung e.g tokyo :), and to reach a place as cheap as kozhikode is something unique.

a one and a half kilometre ride in an auto-rickshaw set me back only Rs.10! i would've given him 20 just because he was such an honest guy who runs by the metre!!

the people are nice and that, from someone who has stayed in cochin, is saying something. it just gave further backing to the theory that:

" people become nicer as you go further north"

this rule holds absolutely true only in keral, as far as i know. any addons about theories in other states/countries are welcome!

the picture is one of my many unlawful acts i performed. hehe.

i still don't understand the ban on taking pictures at railway stations or airports. it makes you a silent observer unable to do anything to capture your moments! this picture was of the train we were taking to reach there, as we got off.

there were people at the test centre varying from the very determined and brilliant, to the ones who came just for the fun of it. (i would probably fall somewher in between the two). there was one particularly interesting chap who marked 120 answers in the OMR sheet blindly when there were only 90 questions in the answer sheet! sheer genius!

i don't think i did this well enough to get anything out of it. another year till the next CAT. till then, meow.

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