Friday, July 31, 2009

Humbug – Arctic Monkeys

arcticmonkeys_humbug-300x300 OK! This is an early birds preview of the new album by Arctic Monkeys. My tastes aren’t exactly conventional and I don’t want to speculate on whether this will go on to break any records.

So without making any sweeping judgments for you, my opinion is that the droney voice of Alex Turner sounds just as good as before. Being a sort-of fan of these guys, Yes its worth downloading.

The tracks that stand out – for me – would be Propeller and Dangerous Animals. Propeller is seriously the best track by far. I don’t understand how there can be such a difference in the quality of tracks in one album, though.

Ratings – Mine of course : 6.5/10


Before the edit, I had a link to the torrent I downloaded it from. Within 20min of posting this I received a comment (below) from WEB SHERIFF asking me to take my link to the torrent I downloaded it from, off the site.

Being an intelligent person I have now removed the link. You can be intelligent too and download the songs online. Torrent no. 2809220 on



Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Relapse (2009)

Its been a while since I posted anything and my net connection being a pain and I have been trying to get around my books for a change. Actually getting myself to write this thing is thanks to the LiveWriter thing which is pretty neat.

Eminem’s new album was released a couple of months back.

There was a time when I used to love the Eminem songs where he used to go around insulting every other artiste I had heard of. Starting with his first big-fat-hit the Slim Shady LP. I remember hearing it blaring out of every Omani college student’s car at one point of time.

OK. He has been missing from the industry for 4 years and not many industry-folk liked the fact that one of their most marketable artistes were going on holiday. All the same, he (like all other rich people in showbiz) had drug issues. This album is something of a post-rehab achievement if you will.

The theme of a rap album is always based on the lyrics and topics. This album is based on madness and insanity. There is a fair bit of violence – but every Eminem album had that. What is missing? Humour.

I guess rap music has the ability to bring out the mindset of a person better than any other type of music. In Relapse its obvious that lousiness was the undertone. There are countless rhymes made with Vicidin (a pain-killer) and a host of other drugs. There is also an overdose of high-level chemistry and biology as well which I couldn’t really connect to, or laugh at.

The best track, IMO, is Stay Wide Awake. Though the themes are pretty much the same recurring ones, the vocalization is more effective. Yeah, that is whats actually missing. Most songs fall flat in a sense. He hasn’t put in the energy he did in older albums. Where is the screaming? Where is the emotion?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Web Development

I think I should have titled this as development of the Web, but what the hell… This sounds more familiar.

I was wondering how awesome it is that I can sit here on my bed, in the comfort of my room and talk to any person anywhere in the world. Yeah that is more to do with the telephone, I know. This concept of universal coverage was taken a step further by the net.

Not only can I call anyone anywhere but anyone anywhere can see what I have put online by clicking a button. I think the fact that the net was developed in the US has a lot to do with why it has become so user-friendly.

Had it been in Europe, there wouldn’t be a universal English language which could appeal to such a large number of people.

I know it was a gradual thing, but the idea of generating your own content and putting it online for all to see must have been such a novel idea when it was first mentioned. I have a cool video that we took and I can upload it. This is really revolutionary and that all inclusive message is what makes the internet the hot-bed for communism, in my humble opinion.

This is really what Karl Marx probably thought perfect communism would be like. Where the citizens have control over everything and the big monopolies don’t really have a say in how the people use the net.

Americans have contradicted themselves in the way the net is used. On the one hand, there is the absolutely capitalist ideals of purchasing things madly which has fuelled the e-conomy. On the other there is the profusion of free technology, information and entertainment content – legal and otherwise, that is available online.

i wonder what the next big development will be…. Wonder if it will be Ubiquitous Computing – thats when things come online and you can check whats in the fridge when you are at the mall. Of course, the technology is already there, but the prohibitively huge price-tag is an obvious turn off. For it to be a success it has to be communist <surprisingly>