Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movie Review - Home (2009)

Most movies which preach conservation take a "Oh look at the poor panda, its dying :(" attitude to try and convince you to do the right thing. They use the oft mis-used and mis-represented need of people to save the planet (if not for themselves) for their kids. What they fail to understand is that most of the people watching the shows aren't 40 but 14.

Home takes a different view on things. This movie manages to put in front of you not our mistakes but how we made them. While you are busy soaking up the exquisitely filmed scenes of this movie, you are left with a profound sense of guilt and a feeling of "What have we done.... ".

This movie is a visual treat, quite like the Planet Earth series, and has a bounty of aerial shots of some never seen before places & phenomenon. What really stands out is that they don't show only the good or the bad, they tell you a story. A story of how man reached where he is today and how man is upsetting the earth's fragile climate.

8.5/10 By the end, the overall impression I felt was how stupid man is. The Earth, always bounces back from any devastation - only the time it takes is longer than man has. So we aren't destroying the Earth, but only our own existence.

Home on imdb

Home on mininova

Monday, October 26, 2009

Movie Review - Paranormal Activity (2007)

To think this movie cost only $15,000 to make! In its first weekend of open release it has grossed $22million. There is a very good reason why it has made movies like Saw VI (which had the worst release in Saw history) look distinctly fake and passe.

After the first half of the movie, I reduced the volume almost to zero to somehow not get scared, but that is when I realized the real horror of the movie. It is the story and the quietness of the movie which scares you. The reality of it all, and the genuineness of the performances leaves you wondering what might happen. Unlike most supposedly "scary" movies which try to make you shake with fake sound effects and grotesque imagery, this movie plays with your mind.

I am happy I watched this movie on my laptop and not at a theater. I am also very happy I watched it in the afternoon and not at night.

Well, if you haven't already heard about it, the movie basically tells the tale of a couple who decide to use a camera to capture the ghostly/demonic/paranormal experiences they have been having at their home.

8.5/10 Simple and straightforward. Scary as HELL!



Movie Review - Brick (2005)

A great mystery story being played out in a high school setup. There is a good deal of drugs, guns and murder against the backdrop of a suburban school.

The story is well laid out, with a lonely possessive boy (who packs quite a good punch) investigating the death of his ex-girlfriend at the hands of the drug-peddling baddies in the neighborhood.

The script is just awesome and the dialogues are packed with the fast paced wit of old detective stories (which I haven't had the privilege of watching).

Brendon (Joseph Gordon Levitt) is a lonely and possessive late teenage (possibly troubled) boy who breaks up with his girl, Emily (Emilie De Ravin). 3 months on, he gets a distress call from her and decides to check on her only to find her in a sewer. What follows is a classic Film-Noir detective story which is stunning in its still-ness. So much is said in what is unsaid in the movie.

There is quite a bit of violence and a great twist at the end.

I have always wanted to watch a genuine, serious movie based on high school life. This is pretty close to what I wanted, though there is not one shot inside a class. Maybe thats also real.

7.5/10 Watch it. Its a serious movie, so make sure you're in the mood.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da

Listening to music which you don't understand a word of is quite liberating. Rammstein would be my favorite foreign language band and Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da is (on first impression) their best album to date.

They have never been renowned for their deep and thoughtful lyrics and this is, I believe, no different ( If any German folks are out their, correct me if I'm wrong).

Their music is easy to listen to and the rhythms are what sticks in your head. Lyrics have to be remembered, Rhythms stay with you forever. Its hard, smooth and fast ,and before I forget to mention, controversial.

Their single "Pussy" which was released early last month was debated endlessly thanks to the heavy use of explicit content. Personally I like their open flaunting of stupid American "Family Values". I totally loved this album. 8/10!