Thursday, November 20, 2008

free as in free coffee & sigmund freud

everybody has humble beginnings! richard stallman started off with his printer, i started off with a presentation !

(i love comparisons where i come off with more hair than i have now!)

well a couple of days ago (as usual, i'm late on the blog) i went to the school round the corner from my house to talk to a bunch of kids about free software by virtue of being the only soul in the vicinity who was, fortunately or unfortunately, doing computer science engineering, was in the final year and was at a great college.

it was the school's computer club and there was a class-room full of kids from 5th to 9th and 10th - about 45 in all. from the outset i saw it as a very difficult proposition to get the small kids to understand about the concept of switching over from a free and pirated Operating System (read windows) to a free and not-pirated Operating System (read linux). so i thought about focussing on the fun stuff...

i was in appropriate attire - lousy cargoes and my "free" Linux T-shirt!

like all events its about want you take back. i got 4 things to take - the first 2 were realizations.

first, would be that to get a kids attention you have to use analogies he/she understands. i garnished the presentation with as many original analogies as i could. the one which i did borrow was from a mr. randy pausch and i'm sure he would be only too glad about my plagiarism. analogies ranged from cricket to food, if you were wondering to what extent i could go!

And next would be that kids are very intelligent nowadays. whether its just the internet or whether having tech savvy siblings/parents, i don't know, but surprise surprise a good number of them are already using free software (and were aware of that fact - in 5th grade!!) - albeit on windows. they've heard of the vlc player, mozilla firefox and even open office (though they have used only the first 2) .

there were some unexpected material gains (read goodies) for me from this whole thing...
i got my evening tea (though i normally have boost - secret of my energy :P ) and along with that a book as well! the unexpectedness-grade goes up a notch because the book was a sigmund freud! (i'm pretty sure it wasn't intended for me)

so all in all - worth my while :D

Monday, November 17, 2008


just back from Kozhikode after writing the CAT exam, the most selective exam in the whole wide world.

it was an OK exam. i say that despite the fact that no exam is ever "OK". the entire experience lasted all of 35 hours. up, down (on the map) and all the way back home.

if you are looking for a description of the two and a half hour ordeal in the exam hall, you're at the wrong place. on the other hand, if you are interested in an examinee's take on everything kozhikod'ian (if there is a usage) over the last day then read on mates (make sure to use an aussie accent with the 'mates'.. prevents the gay-ness)


kozhikode is one of the cheapest cities i have been to! now i can't compare it to far flung cities like calcutta or bangkok, not becasue i don't know them, but because of the suddenness of the change. its just a 4 hour train ride from cochin city - which is in a way comparable in cost of living to places which are far flung e.g tokyo :), and to reach a place as cheap as kozhikode is something unique.

a one and a half kilometre ride in an auto-rickshaw set me back only Rs.10! i would've given him 20 just because he was such an honest guy who runs by the metre!!

the people are nice and that, from someone who has stayed in cochin, is saying something. it just gave further backing to the theory that:

" people become nicer as you go further north"

this rule holds absolutely true only in keral, as far as i know. any addons about theories in other states/countries are welcome!

the picture is one of my many unlawful acts i performed. hehe.

i still don't understand the ban on taking pictures at railway stations or airports. it makes you a silent observer unable to do anything to capture your moments! this picture was of the train we were taking to reach there, as we got off.

there were people at the test centre varying from the very determined and brilliant, to the ones who came just for the fun of it. (i would probably fall somewher in between the two). there was one particularly interesting chap who marked 120 answers in the OMR sheet blindly when there were only 90 questions in the answer sheet! sheer genius!

i don't think i did this well enough to get anything out of it. another year till the next CAT. till then, meow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

hm.. my blog is long way away from the hey - days a few months ago.
the number of posts has dwindled and so have the comments (naturally).
i also lost the awesum layout and design i had.

i have an exam tomorrow on advanced architecture and parallel processing.

wonder how thats going to pan out.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

well... nailin' palin...

why oh why america???

the Masked Avengers, a radio pairing notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state, notched its latest victory Saturday when it released a recording of a six-minute call with Palin, who thought she was talking with Nicolas Sarkozy.

Throughout the call, which was making the rounds in U.S. political circles by day's end Saturday, Palin and the pranksters discuss politics, pundits, and the perils of going hunting with Vice-President Dick Cheney.

"We have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you," Palin gushes, evidently unaware she's speaking to an infamous Quebec comedian named Marc-Antoine Audette.

At one point, Palin even comes close to confirming her intention to one day run for president, when Audette slyly remarks he can see her taking over the big desk in the Oval office.

"Maybe in eight years," she replies with a nervous chuckle.

Over the course of the interview, Palin doesn't seem to realize she's being tricked until Audette comes clean near the end of the call.

"Ohhhh . . . have we been pranked?" she says, in her inimitable style. Seconds later, Palin's aide can be heard taking the phone before the line goes dead.

Throughout the conversation, Audette drops plenty of clues that something's amiss.

He identifies French singer and actor Johnny Hallyday as his special adviser to the U.S., singer Stef Carse as Canada's prime minister and Quebec comedian and radio host Richard Z. Sirois as the provincial premier.

"We should go hunting together," Palin offers when Audette professes a love of hunting - or, more precisely, killing animals. "We can have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done. We could kill two birds with one stone."

Audette then jokes that they shouldn't bring Cheney on the hunt, referring to the 2006 incident in which the vice-president shot and injured a friend while hunting quail.

"I'll be a careful shot," responds Palin, who praises Sarkozy throughout the call.

"I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally - and your beautiful wife, oh my goodness," she says.

"You've added a lot of energy to your country with that beautiful family of yours."

Audette then tells her his wife, Carla Bruni, a singer and former model, was jealous to hear Sarkozy would be speaking to Palin. "Give her a big hug for me," Palin responds.

Audette goes on to describe Bruni as "hot in bed" and claims she's written a song for Palin, the French title of which translates as "Lipstick on a Pig." In English, Audette says the song is about Joe the Plumber.

Finally, he mentions a notorious Hustler video titled "Nailin' Paylin," describing it as "the documentary they made on your life."

"Oh, good, thank you, yes," Palin replies.

"That was really edgy," Audette says.

"Well, good."

In an interview Saturday, Audette told The Canadian Press it wasn't easy setting up the interview with Republican presidential candidate John McCain's running mate, and described the accomplishment as the pair's biggest triumph to date.

"It really took a lot of work," he said.

"We had to go through the Secret Service, the people in her entourage. It's the biggest coup so far. We're proud to add (this prank) to our top hits."

It took the pair, known for securing surreptitious interviews with celebrities, politicians and heads of state, five days to set up the call, Audette said. The secret to getting powerful people on the line? Time and persistence.

"I wanted to see how (Palin) was on an intellectual level," Audette said, comparing the latest prank to the duo's crank call with pop idol Britney Spears.

"You can see that she's, well, not really brilliant."

In a statement Saturday, Palin's team said the vice-presidential nominee was "mildly amused" to learn she was the victim of a prank.

"Gov. Palin was mildly amused to learn that she had joined the ranks of heads of state, including President Sarkozy, and other celebrities in being targeted by these pranksters," said spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt.

"C'est la vie."

Audette, too, was contrite afterward.

"I hope we won't have a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay."

The well-known radio prankster duo of Audette and Sebastien Trudel have most recently tricked Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger. Other celebrity victims include Spears and Bill Gates.

In 2007, they conned Sarkozy himself by impersonating Prime Minister Stephen Harper. And their 2006 call to former French president Jacques Chirac was rated by the BBC as one of the top 30 all-time best moments in radio history.

Known as the "Masked Avengers," they've been popular on the Quebec comedy scene for a decade.

The Avengers, who have a regular show on Montreal radio station CKOI, will air the full interview on the eve of the U.S. elections. It can also be heard in full on their website .