Saturday, January 30, 2010

Right, so its been a long time since I graced these pages with my typos, so here goes!

A lot has changed in the month and more that I have been away. I got a job and got all my certificates too. Great success.

So first the Job. I have been working for just over a month at Visual IQ which is a good business intelligence platform. VIQ provides marketing analytics to its clients and is pretty good at what it does. So what am I doing there? Yes, I am working on bringing in Social Media Analytics into the mix of data we work on right now. So cheers to me. I like my job. So far so good.

So that has been pretty much the reason for the lull in posts coming through here. Of course the half eye on my other blog also has something to do with it.

Well, I just wanted to write something to get the ":Routes out of Cochin" off the top of the screen!

So Ta,