Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Taking Chance

There are countless war movies based on blood and gore in the name of reality. There are still more which sympathize with the grieving families of those at war. And some more about friends and foes on the battlefield. But this is definitely the first to look at it from a refreshing, if sad and respectful, angle.

Taking Chance is a simple story of a higher officer who decides to escort the body of a fallen PFC back to his home half-way across the USA. The story has no twists or turns - its very straightforward in the message it tries to convey. About how everyone respects a soldier, whether they know him or not.

Patriotism is not about infamous "acts" or torture. Its not about beating the drum and shouting out. Its about respect for fellow countrymen. T movie shows that in a very soft-spoken manner. Kevin Bacon has given a stirring performance as the senior officer.

There is absolutely no violence - the opening scene where the soldier is killed, is not shown, only audio. The emotions are all understated and many times I have to say that an elegant tear welled up in my eye.

Great movie.

Download the torrent here!

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