Monday, July 21, 2008

the book vanishes

registration for a new year in college is always a pain, especially when you don't have one of your library cards,and even more 'special'ly when a library book is lost...

the elephant vanishes by haruki murakami
aptly named... if even elephants can vanish then why cant one measely book :P ... the librarian wasn't interested though..
it was the first time i had lost a library book and i hoped it would be enough that i just pay the money for the book... and it would be over. keep hoping lad... keep hoping..

the way to go about it is to BUY the book and return it to the library and till then the fine just keeps mounting... holy cow batman! what did i get myself into??

i went to the book shop from where the college orders all their books but this particular one (and this particualr one only) is not there.bummer. now what?

apparently only a handful of copies were ever brought here in the first place and our college bought 2 of them (of which 1 vanished thanks to my houdini qualities). the book shop (name starts with 'D' and ends with 'C') said that they see no reason to get these books here...

so a humble request to all readers
whenever you go to cochin city... just pop into DC books and just ask for the book 'the elephant vanishes' by haruki murakami...
don't worry,they won't have it..
butu if enough people bug them about it they may order more of it and i won't need to sell my house to register for the next semester


1 comment:

Vivek said...

poor fellow..i feel pity on u have run to the shop for s8 registration as well...or maybe ur entire family moves to MH... :P