Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Story of My House

House (no- not the TV series)

I live in a house which started its life when I was all of 7 years old. It’s been, sadly, pretty much neglected for most of its 14 year existence. The 4 of us (family) were in Oman and elsewhere till a year back, while the house, sadly again, was fighting for survival in the dense forests of Kerala.

So the battle was fought over these 14 years. Man struggled to keep his small but hardworking enemies at bay. He was mostly disadvantaged by the fact that he could wage war only during a 2 month window.

4 gladiators emerged from the thick foliage in June, unfailingly, year in, and year out. (The number was always fluctuating though in reality 3 would be a fair estimate) The fact that the building (yes building, because it looked nothing like a house in those days) was not in any condition to live in didn’t help the morale of the younger troops who ended up feigning asthma and other horrific illnesses to keep away from the battlefield.

The heavens conspired against us as well. The 2 months of June and July are the months of the monsoon in Kerala. It’s either very hot or it’s very wet.

At the end of these 13 years the war was nearing an end. There was no clear winner, of course. But by territory-owned the standings would be:-

1. Termites
2. Ants
3. Spiders
4. Rats
5. Man
6. Squirrels

The battle was finally ended in typical American fashion, with Man ramming home their advantage of size and power. In 4 months of frantic work the house was made livable – painting, furniture et al.

But even nearly a year after we occupied these lands, the underground network is still strong….

The defeated creatures still inflict heavy losses on the ruling class….

Any bits of food are ambushed by the Ants who live in the walls. Any bits of wood are attacked by the Termites who live below the house.

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