Thursday, March 5, 2009


Thats the sound of the pressure getting to ya!

Today was the day of the fateful mid-term project evaluation! And it was - we-ll - not good but not SOS-bad either.

I wish i didn't have to be so last minute. I keep thinking I'll get the ball rolling and dig into all the course-work today,tomorrow, the dayS after... never works does it?

And now the pressure is probably starting to get to me! I have a huge test tomorrow. Huge because its on 3/5 modules of a "Distributed Systems". Now, the abbreviation is DSC. So my full form isn't quite right is it? I think I should stick to calling it "Distributed" and smile to myself about my private joke.

There is still a mountain of work to be done over the next 50 days or so. Immediately though, this weekend I have a treat to attend, shivratri to enjoy, new people to talk to ....

jeez this is precisely my problem ...

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